Staff Spotlight: Sierra Godfrey – Director of Communications

by | Apr 19, 2021 | #Men, #Women

Please join us in welcoming Sierra Godfrey to The Magdalen House team! Sierra is a graduate of the University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism – Public Relations, with a passion for helping others. We are so grateful to have her join our team as a Director of Communications!

1. What led you to want to work at The Magdalen House?

As a young woman looking to enter the workforce, I had one requirement in mind – helping others through the unique ways communication can change lives.  After finding The Magdalen House in my search, I knew it was something special. Each aspect of Maggie’s mission shows how the organization expertly helps our community and brings women hope. The precision in The Magdalen House mission statement made me sure that this would be a special place that I would be honored to work at.

2. As a new team member, what are you most excited about?

I have joined the team at such an exciting time with the move to the new house bringing fun communications opportunities. Overall, I am most excited to dive into these projects and all that’s to come in the future as the Maggie’s community grows. I also look forward to learning more about recovery while completing these projects and sharing my newfound information to help better the lives of others!

3. What’s something we should know about you?

“I love movies. Gosh, I love movies.  I love watching them, and I love making them,” Keanu Reeves, John Wick 3 Premiere.

The power of unique storytelling is astounding, and I am especially obsessed with it in film. I mainly explore this through watching movies and occasionally helping create them. It is a blast finding new storytelling aspects that I can apply to my overall communications skillset.

About Sierra Godfrey

Sierra graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in Journalism focused in public relations. Her lifelong passion for helping others combined with her knowledge of communications led her to The Magdalen House. She is grateful for the opportunity to positively impact alcoholic women’s lives through her assistance with communications for The Magdalen House.

Her familiarity with the effects of alcoholism on families gives her a unique perspective on The Magdalen House mission. By bringing the message of freedom to one woman, the lives of families and friends are also changed. The vast reach of communications drives Sierra to passionately assist in bringing The Magdalen House message to as many women as possible.

Through sharing the message that freedom is accessible, Sierra hopes that women are drawn into The Magdalen House to change their lives and the lives of those around them. She is inspired by the knowledge that a single social media post, website blog, or podcast can change the lives of women, their families, and communities.