Next Step – Frequently Asked Questions

by | Jan 18, 2021 | #Free, #Treatment, 12 Steps, Next Step

Frequently asked questions about The Magdalen House Next Step program.

What is the Next Step program?

Next Step is a three-phase, non-residential program for alcoholic women and men. Participants are provided with structure and education on foundational tools to help them sustain recovery from alcoholism. The program takes approximately 12 weeks to complete.

Is Next Step an IOP?

No. The Next Step program is peer to peer recovery education in a non-residential environment.

Who is Next Step for?

Next Step is for any alcoholic who (any of the following):

  • is newly sober, OR
  • has established sobriety and is seeking to grow in their recovery

    What’s required of a person who wants to participate in Next Step?

    We ask that participants have a desire to learn and grow in their recovery while being active in the program.

    Requirements include:

    • Must identify as an alcoholic
    • Minimum 72 hours of sobriety
    • Must have a sponsor

    If these three criteria are met, they are eligible for a phone screening.


    What are the three phases?

    Each phase of Next Step is a minimum of 4 weeks long.

    Phase One: Foundation
    Focus: Participants build a foundation in the 12-Step program outlined in our curriculum, the Big Book, and start to connect to The Magdalen House community.

    This phase begins with attending an orientation to outline program requirements. In this phase, participants will attend two 12-step recovery meetings per week at The Magdalen House, as well as Next Step group once a week, to gain education on foundational recovery tools. The participant will also begin involvement in our volunteer program.

    Phase Two: Service
    Focus: Being of service and giving to others.

    Phase two requirements include attending Next Step group each week, one 12-Step recovery meeting each week, and continuing to volunteer at The Magdalen House. Additionally, each participant will begin a four-week mentorship with an assigned Meeting Chair. During their mentorship, they will learn how to “carry this message,” as outlined in the Big Book, where each week, they will get more comfortable with speaking on Steps 1, 2, and 3. By the end of phase two, they will have the tools to give an adequate presentation on the first three steps and have the opportunity to be a backup chair for meetings at The Magdalen House.

    Phase Three: Servant Leadership
    Focus: Learning and growing in leadership.

    In phase three, participants will continue to attend Next Step Group and one 12-Step recovery meeting each week, as well as continuing to volunteer at The Magdalen House. Each participant will share their story to the larger Magdalen House community and be paired weekly with a new participant coming into the program to learn how to be of service.

    What is a Next Step Group?

    Each Next Step group has eight participants. Each week, participants will learn about a different topic related to recovery: the 12-Steps, sponsorship, chairing meetings, carrying the message, and more. The focus of Next Step group is to provide participants with education on these foundational tools so that they can sustain and grow in their recovery from alcoholism.

    What is the weekly time commitment for Next Step?

    Volunteer time commitments may vary, but participants should expect to commit to about 4 hours each week to meet Next Step requirements.

    Weekly Next Step group is a maximum of 1.5 hours each week and the remaining requirements may be met on a flexible schedule determined by the participant.

    How does Next Step differ from other recovery services at The Magdalen House?

    The Magdalen House offers three core recovery services:

    • First Step: Our two-week residential program that introduces 12-step tools to begin a recovery journey.
    • Next Step: Teaching individuals with alcoholism how to use and apply the principles learned in the 12-Steps in their everyday lives.
    • CommunityMeetings and workshops that provide opportunities to learn about and practice the 12-Steps.

    Is Next Step only for First Step Alumna?

    No, First Step is not a pre-requisite for enrolling in Next Step. Our Next Step program is open to any alcoholic women and men.

    Is Next Step required after First Step?

    No, First Step Alumna are not required to enroll in Next Step upon completing their 14-day stay, but they are encouraged to consider the option.

    Is Next Step co-ed?

    No, Next Step is available to women and men in gender specific facilities.