Meet our BOD: Jenny Landry

by | Feb 5, 2018 | #Men, #Women

I became involved with The Magdalen House a little over three years ago through my relationship with its Executive Director, Lisa Kroencke.  Lisa came into my life at a critical time in my marriage and helped identify my husband’s alcoholism.  With her guidance and the help of so many others, he got the help he needed and is a much healthier husband and father today.  Throughout that process, I learned so much about the disease of alcoholism and realized how many misconceptions I had about it.  I also learned how deeply it affects family members who are often left hurting in the wake of their loved one’s disease.

I have seen first-hand the difference recovery can make in a person’s life. From lost to found – dead to alive – numb to awake. I love spending time with women who are in recovery – their humility, grit, honesty, tenderness, and humor inspire me. They are battle-scarred warriors who know their truth and they make me want to be a better person.  I love TMH for so many reasons, but mostly because it literally saves the lives of the women it serves…and their families. It represents the very best kind of non-profit organization – it is focused, efficient, local, and powerful.  And I am so proud to be associated with The Magdalen House.

Jenny Landry, BOD, Member-at-Large