Celebrating Our Team: Cooper Green – Men’s Program Coordinator

by | Jul 27, 2024 | #Men

Please join us in celebrating Cooper Green, Men’s Program Coordinator. We are so excited to have him join the team!

1. What do you do at The Magdalen House, and what does a “typical” day look like for you?

I am the Men’s Next Step Coordinator, and I also handle Men’s Community Group and Men’s Volunteers – so I wear a few different hats at Maggie’s. I handle returning clients from First Step and any alcoholic men who wish to further their 12 step education. I also handle all the comings and goings at Caddo for volunteers and speakers. My favorite part of the job is getting the men together for events to build a sense of fellowship and community. Basically I get to plan parties and eat lots of good food.

2. What is your favorite line in the Big Book and why?

I’m going to paraphrase the 3rd step promises as they are my favorite from page 63.

As long as we stick close to Him and perform His work well – Everything will be taken care of.” 

My experience has been that when I’m doing what I need to be doing for my recovery, the rest seems to fall into place. All I have to do is create a space for God to work and he does.

3. What’s something you’ve witnessed at The Magdalen House that inspires or moves you?

Goodness gracious- The EXCITEMENT of men and women, from clients to staff to volunteers. Everyone who I’ve interacted with involving Maggie’s has a SMILE on their face and a WILLINGNESS that I have yet to experience anywhere else.

4. How has working at The Magdalen House impacted your life?

Working at Maggies has supplemented my recovery in a major way- but not replaced it!! Getting to be around likeminded sober men and women pursuing the same values as me on a daily basis has made a world of difference in my work life. I value the work I do here and have found way more satisfaction when I get home than anywhere else.

5. What are some of your hobbies or things that you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

I enjoy interpersonal communication, eating cheese, and dancing. As long as I’m with people I’m happy, so I’m rarely at home unless I’m asleep.

5. What is something that we may not know about you?

I am a classically trained opera singer and I did competitive dance for five years. I’ve also had five different skull fractures and around 15 registered concussions. I met Shaquille O’Neal at a McDonalds for dinner once.

About Cooper Green

My full name is Charles William Cooper Green, but you can call me Cooper. I was raised in Waco Texas. I have a background in music and have been on stage in some degree my entire life. I first was introduced to AA in 2012 at the age of 18, but it took about 10 years for me to understand that I was an alcoholic and that wouldn’t change. Today I am sober and happy. I carry the message on Friday nights, serve as the Unity Chair for my homegroup, and sponsor men in the same capacity that I am sponsored. The Magdalen House and I share values on what it means to be recovered. I feel that I am in the right place and that makes me happy.