Sean Thornton

Sean Thornton Sean Thornton serves as the first Program Coordinator for the Men’s Program. He was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and has been a recovered alcoholic since January 1, 2021. Sean has been very active in the 12-Step recovery community sponsoring...
Kelly Williams

Kelly Williams Kelly grew up in Escondido, California and lived there until she moved to Mabank, Texas in 2018 with her family. In early 2019, she found herself completely defeated by her alcoholism and entered treatment where she learned what her problem was...
Laura Wilson

Laura Wilson Laura Wilson was first introduced to The Magdalen House in September 2019, as a First Step client. Entering her ninth institution in six years, she thought she would “play the game” and coast her way through her 2-week stay. But...
Kady Younkman

Kady Younkman She began her career in the nonprofit industry in 2018 where she found her passion working for organizations that support women. As a former Maggie’s volunteer herself, she understood the significance and value volunteers add to an organization...