228: The Family Afterward with Lisa & Dave Kroencke | Big Book Workshop

by | Oct 1, 2021 | Community, Family, Marriage, Relationship

In this Big Book Workshop, husband & wife, Lisa & Dave Kroencke use their experience and knowledge to breakdown the chapter, The Family Afterward. Dave, a non-alcoholic & Lisa, a recovered alcoholic share their story of love, heartbreak, and reunification through a life based on spiritual principles. 

Pages 122-135

This workshop was recorded live. To find more information on our classes & fellowship, please visit ⁠magdalenhouse.org/meetings⁠

To hear more of Lisa K’s story, listen to her episode of Recovered: ⁠https://anchor.fm/the-magdalen-house/episodes/Lisa-K—Episode-10–Recovered-Interviews-With-Alcoholic-Women-ei10sb⁠

The Magdalen House is a nonprofit organization helping women achieve sobriety and sustain recovery from alcoholism at no cost and based on 12-Step spiritual principles. Founded in Dallas in 1987, The Magdalen House remains the only agency in the Dallas-Fort Worth area to offer comprehensive recovery services – without insurance or state funding – 100% free of charge.

Learn more and support our mission at ⁠magdalenhouse.org⁠.