Please join us in celebrating Kate Eimer, Program Coordinator. We are so excited to have her on the team!
1. What do you do at The Magdalen House, and what does a “typical” day look like for you?
I am a Program Coordinator for the Next Step program here at The Magdalen House. A typical day involves facilitating Next Step groups, client coordination and communication, and contributing to the Next Step team and the greater Magdalen House team however I can.
2. What is your favorite line in the Big Book and why?
My “favorite line” in the Big Book changes constantly, depending on the evolution and growth of my spiritual life. Besides, it is SO HARD to pick just one line! Presently, however, I have been meditating on this line from page 93:
“…faith alone is insufficient. To be vital, faith must be accompanied by self-sacrifice and unselfish, constructive action.”
3. What’s something you’ve witnessed at The Magdalen House that inspires or moves you?
I have been moved and inspired by the willingness of all staff and volunteers to help each other and the clients in our programming. The joy of living is evident in all my interactions with fellow staff, and it inspires me to bear witness to God’s love, His power, and this way of life in all my affairs.
4. How has working at The Magdalen House impacted your life?
Working at The Magdalen House has already enriched my life in many ways. Most notably, the most enriching aspect has been the daily and direct contact with our clients. It is so cool to see clients in all stages of recovery learn and grow together.
5. What are some of your hobbies or things that you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
When not working, I enjoy cooking, fitness, reading novels, playing team sports, and spending quality time with family, friends, and my sister’s puppy, Stella.
5. What is something that we may not know about you?
Something you may not know about me is that I studied Mandarin in college. 我爱你 (Wo ai ni)! This means “I love you.” 😊
About Kate Eimer
Kate, a native of Napa Valley, CA, graduated from Middlebury College with a B.A. in Environmental Studies and Anthropology. While soaking in the vigorous academics offered by the Vermont-based institution, Kate enjoyed living life as a Vermonter and found her footing on local farms throughout the Champlain Valley. After graduating, she moved home and built a career tending to farms, orchards, and landscapes, most notably as the Culinary Gardener for chef Thomas Keller’s, The French Laundry. It was there that her desire for farming and the culinary arts exploded. To this day, Kate revels in constantly developing her culinary techniques, discovering new ingredients, and experiencing thought-provoking meals. Besides playing in gardens and kitchens, Kate enjoys all sports, reading novels, and spending quality time with her husband, family, and friends.
After moving to Dallas for recovery, Kate found a home at The Magdalen House in early 2021 once she had recovered from alcoholism. She spent many years serving as a meeting chair, speaker, and Community member while working closely with her sponsor and growing spiritually. Quickly, it became evident to Kate that there was something miraculous about The Magdalen House, and she vowed to stay close to the community forevermore.
Kate joined the staff at The Magdalen House in January 2025 and serves as a Coordinator for the Next Step program. She is honored to participate in the agency’s profound impact on its community and is committed to ensuring that The Magdalen House continues to thrive in our pursuit of offering resources for women, men, and their families in recovery for many years to come.