Celebrating Our Team: Brooke Shults – Women’s Program Coordinator

by | Jun 29, 2024 | #Women

Please join us in celebrating Brooke Shults, Women’s Program Coordinator. We are so excited to have her join the team!

1. What do you do at The Magdalen House, and what does a “typical” day look like for you?

I’m a professional cat herder! I joke! I joke! A typical day looks like serving with my sisters in their first 14 days of recovery. Some days it is phone screens, but mostly it is just making sure my sisters have everything they need and their time in the house goes smoothly. I listen to them and just help them as much as possible while ensuring the house is respected and maintained.  

2. What is your favorite line in the Big Book and why?

“Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake.” page 417

This was what has kept me going. I practice acceptance and force myself to trust the process. I just put one foot in front of the other and do whatever is next.  

3. What’s something you’ve witnessed at The Magdalen House that inspires or moves you?

Watching the recovered women in our program practice love and tolerance. It has opened my eyes to improvements I can make myself. 

4. How has working at The Magdalen House impacted your life?

Working here has deeply impacted my life! I can hear and see alcoholism- it is truly cunning, baffling and powerful. I watch the ego rapidly rebuild itself! 

5. What are some of your hobbies or things that you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

I absolutely love anything outdoors, especially anything water related and animals! I am an adrenaline junkie too! If I’m stuck inside, I love hot yoga and working out.

5. What is something that we may not know about you?

I am an avid traveler and know how to do it on a budget! Some of my favorite destinations have been Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Fiji, China, and Tobago.

About Brooke Shults

Brooke was honored to have joined The Magdalen House team in May of 2024. She use to call herself a chronic relapser, but came to believe she was indeed just an ignorant alcoholic. She was in and out of AA for over a decade and just didn’t understand the steps or what the book was truly saying. The Magdalen House changed that for her!

She is grateful to now have a purpose, helping her brothers and sisters, along with their families has given her life a true meaning. Through working all the 12 steps, especially carrying the message and sponsoring women, her life has completely changed! She never thought her broken background could  be of good use. Her degree in Sociology and a minor in Psychology from University of North Texas has been critical in direct client care.