What is a Sponsor?

by | Sep 4, 2021 | 12 Steps, Meetings, Spiritual, Sponsor, Volunteer

A sponsor is a recovered alcoholic, or recovered family member, who has had a spiritual awakening as the result of working the 12-Steps and continues to practice the steps and the spiritual principles that go along with them in their daily life.

They are a guide who actively helps either other alcoholics or family members who are still suffering by taking them through the 12-Steps, like their sponsor did for them.

Step 12 says that “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs”. This is precisely what they are doing.

Where do I find a sponsor at Maggie’s?

  • You should be able to find a sponsor at any of our meetings, classes and workshops held at The Magdalen House
  • Anyone leading one of our classes should be available for sponsorship
  • There will also be an opportunity for other women in the classes who are available to sponsor to raise their hand, you can seek help from any of those who do so

What can I expect to be doing with a sponsor?

  • Working with a sponsor will include many one-on-one meetings, reading the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, completing assignments and following instructions to learn how to live a spiritual life
  • During Steps 1, 2 and 3 you can expect to do quite a bit of reading in the Big Book, listening and learning in meetings along with saying the third step prayer
  • A sponsor should be someone you trust, who knows about alcoholism. You will be sharing an inventory with this person; a list of resentments, fear, relationship conduct in Steps 4 and 5 and will hopefully gain new perspective through doing so
  • You can also expect to use your sponsor as you’re making amends for guidance on how to do them and prayers to get you through any you may be nervous about
  • Once at Steps 10, 11 and 12, you will continue working with your sponsor. At this point they will become the person you go to on a regular basis when you are fearful, resentful, selfish, or dishonest. At Step 12, your sponsor will walk you through how to take other alcoholics through the steps…now you’re a sponsor!
  • Work with a sponsor is a relationship that should continue throughout your recovery journey, since steps 10, 11, and 12 are to be practiced (to the best of your ability) every day
  • It is important to remember that a sponsor’s job is to serve as a guide, not to keep you sober or free of defects, but to take your hand and place it into God’s hand. Remember, we were powerless at Step 1 and now we are beginning to gain access to a power that can transform our lives in a way that no human could do for us.

How else do I utilize my sponsor?

A sponsor can be utilized in different ways, from taking you through the 12 steps to general questions about how to live a spiritual life. Here are some examples:

  • Run ideas by a sponsor to make sure they are spiritually sound.
  • Get guidance from a sponsor on finding a home group, meetings to attend, & meeting etiquette.
  • Seek direction for opportunities to carry the message & be of service.

A sponsor is not a therapist, a bank, or a life coach. Their recovery depends on sponsorship too and someone else did the same for them.

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