Celebrating Our Team: Tony Gold-Men’s Program Coordinator

by | Apr 10, 2024 | #Men

Please join us in celebrating Tony Gold, Men’s Program Coordinator at The Magdalen House! We are so excited to have him join the team!

1. What do you do at The Magdalen House, and what does a “typical” day look like for you?

I am one of the Program Coordinators for the Men’s program. A typical day for me consists of supervising and mentoring alcoholic men in their path to recovery. Various duties include chairing meetings, conducting 3-day, 7-day and program completion interviews. I also perform dorm checks, inventory control, and general client care throughout the day.

2. What is your line in the Big Book and why?

A new life has been given us, or, if you prefer, “a design for living” that really works.
When I came into AA, the talk of a life better than I have ever known I thought was a crock. I know better now– that a spiritual life is real.  

3. What’s something you’ve witnessed at The Magdalen House that inspires or moves you?

The program and its interaction between staff and client that puts them both on equal footing. We are staff and client, but the environment shows them that we are one of them also; we are a group of like-minded people that can recover from alcoholism.

4. How has working at The Magdalen House impacted your life?

In a nutshell, working at Maggie’s is a blessing. I feel called to work in the recovery field.

5. What are some of your hobbies, or things that you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

Being out in the country, or being outdoors with nature is good for the soul. Meditation comes naturally in that environment. All my big problems come into perspective and become miniscule when I am in nature.

About Tony Gold

Tony Gold was born in Fredericksburg, Texas. He was raised in the town of Alice, and spent most of his adult life in San Antonio. He came to Dallas in 2009 and has been involved in recovery since 2019. Tony got sober May 24, 2020 and has been of service to the recovery community ever since. He is delighted to be a part of the Magdalen House family; blessed to be in a vocation that allows him to help the next man desperately seeking a solution for alcoholism.