Celebrating Our Team: Kelly Williams – Volunteer Program manager

by | Feb 25, 2021 | #Men, #Women, Community, Volunteer

Please join us in welcoming Kelly Wiliams to The Magdalen House team! Kelly moved to Dallas from Escondido, CA, and dove into her recovery journey. This led her to help others at Maggie’s as a volunteer. We are so grateful to have her join our team as a Volunteer Program Manager!

1. What led you to want to work at The Magdalen House?

Maggie’s made it so easy for me as a newly sober person to find opportunities to be of service. Whenever I was concerned about work, family, or my living situation, Maggie’s was always there to allow me to get out of my head and focus on other people. In addition to that, when I moved to Dallas immediately after treatment, I didn’t know anyone and was terrified. Maggie’s provided me with a safe place full of compassionate women to re-learn how to socialize.

For Staff members in recovery, we like to ask a few additional questions:

How did The Magdalen House become part of your life?

I was instructed to go to Maggie’s to volunteer as soon as I completed treatment at Nexus Recovery Center in early 2019.

What has been the biggest gift to you in your recovery?

At first, I thought the biggest gift I’d receive in my recovery would be my sobriety, but recovery is so much more than that. The biggest gift I’ve received has been peace. I used to get so frustrated, anxious, and depressed when my plans for myself fell through, when life became unpredictable, or disappointing. Now I can wake up each morning at peace, knowing that I will be okay no matter what happens throughout my day.

What would you tell the newly sober woman or man, or still trying to get sober?

I have been where you are. There is hope for you. I didn’t believe it at first, but there is a way to be sober and happy. Listen to the stories of the recovered women you meet. Look for similarities between what you hear and what you’ve experienced. Hear what their lives were like, what they did to stay sober, and what their lives are like now, and you will come to realize that a meaningful, sober life is possible for you, too.

What is you life like today

My life today is infinitely more rewarding than I ever thought it would be. Back in 2019, I was ready to throw it all away because I could not imagine a life in which I was sober and happy. Now I can be at ease regardless of what is going on around me, and I know that there is a purpose for me on this earth. Sometimes even in the most mundane moments, I am taken aback by how absolutely wild it is that this is the life I get to live, and these are the people I get to know.


2. As a new team member, what are you most excited about?

I’m excited about getting other women excited to volunteer!


3. What’s something we should know about you?

I have a 12-year-old husky named Odee who I have deep and meaningful conversations with. I enjoy solo backpacking and can make a mean cold-soaked oatmeal. I have been told that I am an exceptional whistler.


About Kelly Williams

Kelly grew up in Escondido, CA, and lived there until she moved to Dallas in 2019, where she ultimately went to treatment for her alcoholism at Nexus Recovery Center. Immediately after her discharge, she was instructed to go to The Magdalen House to volunteer during her free time. There, Kelly found a safe space to reintegrate into the community and develop her passion for helping others. She is excited to have this opportunity to use her experience as a former volunteer at Maggie’s. She is honored to work for an organization that does so much for alcoholic women.

She lives in Garland with her 12-year-old husky named Odee and her myriad of houseplants. In her free time, she enjoys playing the guitar, singing, and spending time with her family. Kelly loves being out in nature and is passionate about backpacking. Her dream is to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail.