Please join us in celebrating Alex Blanks, Program Coordinator. We are so excited to have her on the team!
1. What do you do at The Magdalen House, and what does a “typical” day look like for you?
I am a Program Coordinator at The Magdalen House, where we serve as the first point of contact for clients and their families seeking help for recovery. Having experienced the program with my own family, I can share my journey and offer hope that recovery from this disease is achievable and that there is joy in embracing sobriety.
2. What is your favorite line in the Big Book and why?
“We had a new Employer. Being all powerful, He provided what we needed, if we kept close to Him and performed His work well. Established on such a footing we became less and less interested in ourselves, our little plans and designs… As we felt new power flow in, as we enjoyed peace of mind, as we discovered we could face life successfully, as we became conscious of His presence, we began to lose our fear of today, tomorrow, or the hereafter. We were reborn.” – Page 63
As a former athlete, it was ingrained in me that hard work and dedication alone were enough to propel me to the life I desperately desired. I spent so many years frustrated that self-reliance was not enough and that I could not alone face life on life’s terms. Once I surrendered and trusted God to provide what I needed, all of the promises above came true, and I finally knew what it meant to be free.
3. What’s something you’ve witnessed at The Magdalen House that inspires or moves you?
I see myself in the women who walk through these doors. At first, when we tell them we are “proud to be an alcoholic and we are not ashamed,” there is a look of bewilderment on their faces. But day by day, the guilt and shame start to wear off, and they understand exactly what we mean by that. Watching their eyes come alive again and hearing them laugh is probably the most incredible thing I’ve ever witnessed.
4. How has working at The Magdalen House impacted your life?
Working at The Magdalen House has given my life purpose. I was lost before trying to figure out what my role in life was supposed to be and how to match ambition with purpose. This work allows me to have both. I’m proud to be an alcoholic, and every day, I get to show these women that living our truth out loud could help save someone’s life.
5. What are some of your hobbies or things that you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
I’m a big sports fan and enjoy playing flag football and basketball. I love to cook, try new restaurants, and get lost in new cities. I’m a wanderer at heart.
5. What is something that we may not know about you?
I’m a former flight attendant and have traveled to over 30 states. During my addiction, I dropped out of law school at DePaul University in Chicago, but sobriety has given me the courage to face my fears and try again.
About Alex Blanks
Alex is a Dallas native who has lived in Florida, Illinois, and California. She returned home in 2020. She holds an undergraduate degree in public affairs and community service from the University of North Texas. With a passion for people and culture, Alex is always seeking her next adventure. Accepting her struggle with alcoholism has given her life new meaning and allowed her to use her God-given gifts to serve others. She enjoys being an aunt and a godmother to all her little ones.