2023 Game, Set, Match Chairs

by | Mar 8, 2023 | Events, Giving

We are looking forward to the 3rd Annual Game, Set, Match event to aid in the life transformations that take place at The Magdalen House. It is our privilege to announce this year’s event chairs, Amanda Dickstein, Kate Looney Walters, and Sloan Looney Dix.

As supporters of The Magdalen House, Amanda, Kate, and Sloan play an integral part in providing alcoholic women the opportunity to obtain long-term sobriety and a renewed quality of life. Through their commitment to our mission, they have made a difference in the lives of hundreds of women seeking change.

“I choose to support and volunteer at The Magdalen House because this house saved me. I was completely uneducated on the disease of alcoholism and suffered in silence for so long I found myself on the brink of losing everything. At the Magdalen House, I was able to learn about this disease and found a community of women that would inevitably give me the tools to start a new life with meaning and purpose where I once felt nothing but shame and guilt. Thanks to the Magdalen House, I get to wake up everyday and be proud of the wife, mother, daughter, friend and person that I am today. They gave me all of this at no cost but I will continue to support and volunteer at this beautiful house in the hope that I can help provide this wonderful gift to another women who still suffers.”
– Amanda Dickstein

A heartfelt thank you to Amanda, Kate, and Sloan for their incredible support! The Magdalen House is grateful for their contributions to assist alcoholic women and to shatter the stigma surrounding alcoholism.

We hope to see you at Game, Set, Match on April 29 to support the lifesaving services offered by The Magdalen House. To purchase a sponsorship or tickets, please visit our website.