Phone Screen Today 214.324.9261
Women’s House: 4513 Gaston Avenue, Dallas, TX 75246
Men’s House: 2100 Caddo Street, Dallas, TX 75204
First Step
First Step physically separates an individual with alcoholism from alcohol to provide them with the education and resources to achieve sobriety and build a foundation of recovery for free.
First Step is a two-week, residential recovery program that consists of daily recovery education, support from recovered volunteers, and more. It is open to an alcoholic woman or man who is struggling to stop drinking, who is seeking education and resources to achieve sobriety and to build a foundation of recovery.
- 100% free – no insurance, no co-pays, no out of pocket costs
- Phone screenings and admissions are accepted 365 days a year
- 14-day, residential stay that includes meals, toiletries, and other basic living necessities
- 12-Step focused curriculum with an intensive orientation to the spiritual solution through 53 solution-focused classes, meetings, and workshops
- Beds are available on a first-come, first-served basis
Fully trained staff who are also individuals in recovery from alcoholism, many of whom are program alumni
Daily conversation with recovered alcoholics who volunteer their time
Daily phone time
- Weekly family visitation
Assistance with connections to sober living, counseling, health, and more
Give us a call at 214.324.9261 or fill out the form below to get started.
First Step Form
Next Step
Next Step provides structure and education
on foundational tools to any individual with alcoholism seeking to sustain and grow in their recovery.
Next Step
Next Step provides structure and education
Next Step is a three-phase, nonresidential recovery program for alcoholics that lasts 12 weeks and consists of recovery education, group meetings, mentorship with meeting chairs, and more. It is open to any alcoholic, at any stage of their recovery, who is seeking education and tools to grow and sustain their recovery in a structured program.
- 100% free – no insurance, no co-pays, no out of pocket costs
- Serves as a structured alternative to traditional clinical outpatient treatment, or IOP
- Gender-specific program with 12-Step focused curriculum
- Minimum sobriety requirement of 72 hours
- Phone screenings and admissions are accepted daily from 9 am- 5 pm
- Open to any alcoholic, at any stage of their recovery
- Serves as a standalone program for individuals who did not seek in-patient services
- Can be utilized as aftercare by First Step alumna and individuals who have received inpatient alcoholism treatment services
“Next Step program has enhanced and strengthened my sobriety in ways I never imagined! It has helped me to remain accountable, and there is so much love and support from the group. I highly recommend this program to every alcoholic. It has helped me grow in my recovery, kept me on a routine, and makes me honored and happy to be a part of.”
– Next Step Graduate
Give us a call at 214.324.9261 or fill out the form below to get started.
Next Step Form
Family & Friends
Education, recovery, and community for friends, loved ones, and family members of alcoholics, regardless of the alcoholic’s recovery.
Prefer to dial-in via mobile phone or landline?
Call: +1 (346) 248-7799
Meeting ID: 512 155 5175
Passcode: maggies
Each Family Support leader, listed with their relationship to an alcoholic(s), below has found hope, regardless of their alcoholic’s recovery. Select a name to call or text for support or to get involved.
Deborah | Mother
Diane | Mother
Floyd | Husband
Angela | Wife
Laurie | Wife & Partner
Lauren | Daughter & Wife
Recommended Chapter Reading:
The Doctor’s Opinion
Chapter 8: To Wives
Chapter 9: The Family Afterward
Chapter 10: To Employers