Family & Friends
Education, recovery, and community for friends, loved ones, and family members of alcoholics, regardless of the alcoholic’s recovery.
Prefer to dial-in via mobile phone or landline?
Call: +1 (346) 248-7799
Meeting ID: 512 155 5175
Passcode: maggies
Each Family Support leader, listed with their relationship to an alcoholic(s), below has found hope, regardless of their alcoholic’s recovery. Select a name to call or text for support or to get involved.
Deborah | Mother
Diane | Mother
Floyd | Husband
Angela | Wife
Laurie | Wife & Partner
Lauren | Daughter & Wife
Recommended Chapter Reading:
The Doctor’s Opinion
Chapter 8: To Wives
Chapter 9: The Family Afterward
Chapter 10: To Employers
Community Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for a way to get involved with The Magdalen House? We have opportunities for all, as well as opportunities strictly for individuals in recovery from alcoholism. Learn more about each opportunity by clicking the card for full details.
Community Groups
We get it- finding a community in recovery can be intimidating. Whether you’re new to recovery, returning, or just looking for new friends who share a common solution – we’d love to get to know you!
Maggie’s Women’s Group
Men’s Community Group
Maggie’s Women’s Group offers events, an annual retreat, and community for women in recovery to grow in understanding of 12-Step spiritual principles. This group is open to all women.
How to Join
Attend a Maggie’s Women’s Group Meet Up! These are held regularly throughout the year in the Community Room at our Gaston Avenue location. Regular info and updates can be found in our Facebook group or contact kady@magdalenhouse.org.
Our Men’s Community Group will soon offer fellowship events and community for men in recovery to grow in understanding of 12-Step spiritual principles. This group is open to all men.
How to Join
Join the Men’s Community Group on Facebook to stay up to date on all events and happenings!
Friends & Ambassadors of Maggie’s
Join the official auxillary of The Magdalen House
Join the FAM
Friends and Ambassadors of Maggie’s is a support group for
The Magdalen House. Members serve as mission ambassadors, help educate the community on alcoholism, and support Maggie’s through fundraising, volunteering, advocating, and gifts-in-kind. FAM members receive exclusive programming updates and opportunities to engage in special events such as a Mahjong tournament, pickleball event, fall donation drive, and holiday dinner with our program participants.
Special Events
Members can attend special events hosted year-round to support The Magdalen House and network with other members. Events include a Mahjong tournament, pickleball event, fall donation drive, and holiday dinner with clients. To see the 2025 schedule of events, please contact Chloe Pierce, Development Manager, by emailing chloe@magdalenhouse.org.
Members can volunteer individually or as a group for special projects at the house, such as providing holiday dinners, cleaning and organizing, and providing support to the staff by donating meals for appreciation events.
This is a great opportunity for teenage children of members to help with childcare on fellowship occasions like Birthday Night.
In-home Education
Members can host small gatherings in their homes with a representative from The Magdalen House. Hosts invite their friends and neighbors for important education and discussion topics such as “What is alcoholism?” Topics can be geared towards the age of the attendees.
Workplace Education
Members can invite The Magdalen House to do an education presentation on the disease of alcoholism and how the Magdalen House supports alcoholics in North Texas and beyond. Our education presentation provides one CEU (Continuing Education Units).
Lunch & Learn
Members can invite a group of interested individuals (3-12) to The Magdalen House for a tour, lunch, and alcoholism education presentation.
In-home Fundraiser
Members can host a Magdalen House recovered alcoholic team member at their home to speak about his/her experience with the disease and recovery and present opportunities for individual and group fundraising.
Online Fundraising
Members can host a Facebook birthday fundraiser, create their own fundraising pages for North Texas Giving Day, or create a post on their preferred social media platform that re-directs supporters to The Magdalen House donate site.
Host a Donation Drive
Provide some of our most needed items by hosting a drive. Items include paper goods, hygiene products, bottled water, Gatorade, candy, coffee, etc.
To join, select the level you are interested in below.
Become a Partner
We partner with organizations, nonprofits, businesses, and professional organizations to fill a need beyond the services we provide and create a stronger recovery community for alcoholics and their families.

What We Offer
- Education for staff, volunteers, and groups about alcoholism.
- Offering platforms for nonprofit organizations to present their services to our staff, volunteers, and community.
- Group volunteering and donation drive opportunities.
What You Offer
- Community Resources: We partner with organizations that offer sober living, healthcare, mental health services, workplace training, childcare, and more. Your organization is a good fit if you provide free or low-cost services.
- Corporate Partners: Businesses we partner with can support The Magdalen House in many ways. Some of those options are to sponsor specific programs and needs, provide matching gifts for annual campaigns, or sponsor events.
If you work for or know of an organization that you feel would be a good fit to partner with us, please fill out our Prospective Partnership Form using the button below.