Celebrating Our Team: Diana Miller – Chief Development Officer

by | Jul 29, 2022 | #Expansion, #Men, #Women, Events, Giving, Partners, Resources

Please join us in celebrating Diana Miller, Outreach Coordinator at The Magdalen House! Diana is a pioneer of our new spanish speaking meeting while also helping spread the word that Maggie’s is here to offer free programs to any alcoholic woman.

1. What is your role at The Magdalen House, and what does a “typical” day look like for you?

I assist with outreach, community education and engagement, resources for our clients, and coordinate the Spanish meetings. There is no “typical day;” but a week may include meeting with clients one-on-one to discuss resources, providing education presentations in the community, creating new partnerships, attending community events, and chairing meetings.

2. What is your favorite line in the Big Book and why?

“But we aren’t a glum lot”
-Page 132

Before getting sober I could not imagine my life without alcohol, and when I tried to, I foresaw a miserable, joyless existence. My recovery and Maggie’s have taught me that it’s quite the opposite- us recovered alcoholics live with joy, fullness, and a pretty good sense of humor. I think it important for newcomers to witness this!

3. What’s something you’ve witnessed at The Magdalen House that inspires or moves you?

Every day, countless women give their time to chair meetings, sponsor women, and volunteer. It is inspiring to see the support these women provide one another. Truly an amazing fellowship!

4. How has working at The Magdalen House impacted your life?

It has allowed me the opportunity to combine my professional experience with my personal recovery; to go out into the community and use my story to provide education and awareness about alcoholism and the services we provide.

5. What are some of your hobbies, or things that you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

I make up bad puns and jokes. I have a journal full of “dad jokes” that I like to torture friends and co-workers with. I love reading and watching true crime shows.

6. What’s something that we may not know about you?

Hmm. I have an extra rib-does that count?

About Diana Miller

Diana joins The Magdalen House as a grateful recovered alcoholic, having completed the First Step and Next Step programs in 2021. She credits Maggie’s with her recovery and cherishes the opportunity to use her previous experience.

Diana has over ten years of experience working in the nonprofit sector; specifically, in fundraising, programming, and community relations. In her work experience, as well as her personal journey, she strives to reach more alcoholic women and educate the community on the disease of alcoholism and the tools for recovery.

In her spare time, she is a proud Big Brothers, Big Sisters volunteer. She also enjoys reading and spending time with her three dogs.