by The Magdalen House | Feb 23, 2023 | #Sober, Alcoholism, Disease, Recover
Written by Dr. Roxanne Pero, Board of Directors, Member at Large We talk a lot at The Magdalen House about the mental benefits of recovery; and yet, alcoholism is a disease of the mind AND body. So what does that mean for those in recovery? How does recovery shape our...
by The Magdalen House | Feb 22, 2023 | Alcoholism, Mental Health, Partners, Stigma
In this episode of RecoverED, Alejandra Saldana, Health and Wellness Manager at our partner Jubilee Park, discusses the relationship between the organizations and what The Magdalen House provides to the community. To receive more information on alcoholism and...
by The Magdalen House | Jan 1, 2023 | Alcoholism, Disease, Mental Health, Solution, Stigma
Written by Diana Miller, Contributor Many people binge drink during the holidays- alcoholics and non-alcoholics alike. They then get to January and, as a New Year’s resolution or maybe even to prove to themselves or others that they are not an alcoholic after those...
by The Magdalen House | Oct 10, 2022 | Alcoholism, Disease, Mental Health, Stigma
By Lisa Kroencke, CEO Are alcoholics who have recovered bad people transforming into good people or sick people who get well? I could answer that question better if I knew precisely how you define a bad person; everyone has differing views on the definition. But what...
by The Magdalen House | Jul 27, 2022 | Alcoholism, Impact
The Magdalen House, a nonprofit organization helping women achieve sobriety and sustain recovery from alcoholism at no cost and based on 12-Step spiritual principles, is proud to announce that Executive Director, Lisa Kroencke was awarded the 2022 D CEO’s Nonprofit...
by The Magdalen House | Jun 23, 2022 | #Free, #Support, #Treatment, Alcoholism, Solution
Written by Texas Today The Magdalen House works tirelessly to help DFW-area women achieve and maintain sobriety through their free programs. CEO, Lisa Kroencke, shares more. Watch...