
Before being named Chief Program Officer in 2024, Teresa was the Director of Women’s Programs and was responsible for all of the end-to-end management of both Women’s Programs, initiating and setting goals in accordance with the company’s strategic objectives. Teresa joined The Magdalen House in June 2019. She was brought on as a Program Coordinator to help with our residential program, First Step. She has played a key role in continued program development to ensure that desired program outcomes and objectives are met. Teresa  is an alumna of the First Step Program at The Magdalen House. Prior to coming on board as staff, Teresa volunteered extensively in 2018 as an overnight volunteer and also within Maggie’s Women’s Group.  She loved The Magdalen House so much, she never left after completing her program. Teresa carries the message and sponsors women in different treatment centers across the DFW area. She feels she owes a debt of gratitude to the ones who mentored her and showed her how to recover. Had they simply gone on with their lives and just forgotten people like her, she wouldn’t be here today.  Her gratitude begins with The Magdalen House. She is grateful for the leadership that guided her to where she is now, where she gets to pay forward the experience she has gained since joining The Magdalen House team.

Outside of work, Teresa is committed to the recovery community and to sponsoring women. She has one daughter and is grateful that recovery gave her a second chance to be a better Mom.

Teresa earned an MBA Bachelor of Education degree from University of North Texas and also spent 25 years working in the residential real estate industry.