Five Frequently Asked Questions About House Needs

by | Jul 17, 2019 | #Free, #Gratitude, Giving, Impact, Service

House Needs are so much more than food items, toiletries, study materials, and supplies. Not only do these gifts help to meet immediate, tangible needs for our First Step Program, they provide opportunities that build community and empower women, men, and families to “pay it forward.”

If you visit The Magdalen House, subscribe to our newsletters, or follow us on Facebook, you’ve likely seen our House Needs list. So why do we ask for help providing House Needs? We’re glad you asked.

Why does Maggie’s ask for House Needs? – FAQ

1. Why not just buy House Needs?

Being wholly privately funded – accepting no government monies – House Needs and other gifts in-kind make a big impact on our budget. More importantly, we realize that there are many women, men, and families in our community that appreciate having the opportunity to provide tangible items for the women currently at Maggie’s.

For some, bringing a canister of coffee when they come for meetings is a more impactful gift to give than a small monetary donation. And for others, bringing the things they appreciated as clients – or that their loved one appreciated – makes them feel as if they are “paying it forward.”

2. What is a gift in-kind?

There are two types of donations that can be made to charitable organizations like The Magdalen House – cash donations and in-kind donations. An in-kind donation is the transfer of any asset outside of a cash donation. Typically, in-kind gifts are contributions of goods or services. House Needs are one form of in-kind donations.

3. What does my gift actually do?

With entirely free services, this means that we provide each individual with everything from meals to toiletries to study supplies during her two week stay. By donating tangible items, you can provide our clients with supplies to begin building a foundation of quality sobriety and permanent recovery. As our programming continues to reach more alcoholic women and men in crisis than ever before, the need for these in-kind gifts is greater than ever before.

4. What House Needs items are needed?

We gratefully accept donations of food, full size toiletries, study materials, and supplies. Our needs at the house are ever-changing but a great place to find our most up-to-date needs is the House Needs page on our website, or if you’re at Maggie’s you can see it on the whiteboard in the meeting room.

5. How do I make a donation to Maggie’s House Needs?

1. Drop By: Stop by The Magdalen House between the hours of 9:00am and 8:00pm to drop off any items from the list with our front desk volunteer.

2. Amazon: Order items from any online retailer and have them shipped directly to The House. All House Needs can be found on our Amazon list, and most needed items marked as high priority and updated weekly. Use on all your Amazon purchases to give 0.5% back to Maggie’s!

3. Host a Drive: Host a donation drive at your workplace, fitness studio, place of worship, neighborhood, or civic organization to gather items to donate to The Magdalen House. Encouraging your friends, co-workers, neighbors or congregation to participate is not only a fun way to give back, it also helps raise awareness for The Magdalen House in your community. Questions on how to start a drive? View our Donation Drive Kit online.

4. Bring a Cooked Meal: Donate lunch or dinner women in our First Step Program. Menu choice is up to you and if you would like we invite you to stay and share a meal with the clients. Interested? Learn more on our Volunteer Portal.

If you would like to provide professional services or larger items – we appreciate your generosity! Please contact us to discuss.

Provide Immediate, Tangible Needs to Women in Social Detox

With an +18% increase in Social Detox admissions in 2019, one of the most practical and impactful ways you can partner with us is by purchasing much needed goods from our House Needs list. As we continue to break records and help more women and men than ever before, providing for the immediate, tangible needs to the women we serve has never been more imperative. Choosing to donate gifts in-kind is truly the most direct way to help the individuals we serve and is invaluable in making a difference in their life. Thank you for considering donating to our House Needs today.